Collaborations and partnerships
In a bid to realize the achievement NRM Manifesto objectives, the College has
partnership arrangements with various organisations and institutions and this

Weeffect (Former Swedish Cooperative center), to build the capacities
of Leaders, Management and the members of variours co-operatives and
member based organisations through training on leadership for change,Entrepreneurship, business planning, basic accounting, Visioning & strategic
planning and managing change.
Participants Mitigating climate change through tree planting
Passing out a group of co-operative leaders to handle Co-operative good
governance practices for the betterment of the communities
Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA).
This is a government of Uganda project under the Ministry of Finance Planning and
Economic Development. To deliver certified trainings for SACCOS Managers,
refresher and capacity building for District Commercial Officers, Financial
Literacy for SACCOS and communities, revival of SACCOS etc.
Bank of Uganda, for the delivery of ToTs in Financial Literacy.
In line with NDP III development programmes on community mobilization and mindset change, one of the key results to be achieved over the next five years is increased household savings and investments.
The college together with her partners have conducted and are still continuing to impart financial literacy knowledge to communities throughout the country targeting mind set change so that the communities are equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to plan for their personal finances.
The main goal of the training’s is to strengthen behaviors that lead to increased understanding and knowledge of financial concepts, usage of financial services as well as investing and planning for old age/retirement. The training stimulates a change from current behavior to desired behavior which targets transformation related to knowledge, skills, confidence as regards financial services.
With the above arrangements, the college has been able to transform and change lives of many / various communities reached.
Community members attending a financial literacy training in Kyotera district Because of its outstanding contribution towards. The Middle Income Status Aspiration and Vision 2040, the College has for the last six years been honored as the best Visionary Government Co-operative Training College by the people of the republic of Uganda.
Cooperative University of Kenya and Moshi Cooperative University in
Tanzania: –
Collaboration on training, research and staff capacity building.
According to the government structure for Co-operative Colleges the college has
3 departments each headed by the Head of Department. These include:
- Finance and Accounting
- Co-operation and Management
- ICT and Information Management
- Accreditation
The college is accredited by National Council for Higher Education to run 10
two-year Diploma programs.